I was watching a programme on how fish are being over-fished and soon there will hardly be any fish living and able to breed in the ocean. I wanted to produce a magazine cover, raising this issue:
Here are initial drawings I produced of fish I had researched to be the prime targets of being over-fished.
Cod and Halibut.
Mahi Mahi (on top) and Marlin (on bottom)
I began to play around with where they could sit on the page, how many there could be, representing their possible disappearance, numbers dropping.
A full page of fish, to a page where clear collums and structure has been eaten away at. There are clearly gaps in the design, literally, gaps where fish are being eaten too much of:
I really like how the type (over fishing and chips) sits on this particular page.
Playing around with different ways of communicating the topic through different imagery:
I thought about including the skeletons of fish, representing death, what is left after we eat the meat...
Here the fish is in 'Grayscale'. I don't think it works, I like the off-white colour that originated from my sketchbook.
I came up with Overfishing and Chips quite quickly, but thought about maybe making it clearer, or changing the word Fish to Bones - harsh.
and - 'n' (looks more like fish 'n' chips)
I think Overfishing and Chips works, I also spoke to Joe and asked his opinion and he liked the used of 'Overfishing and chips'
The use of white space, further experimentation:
I like how this one I have included one of the fleshy fish, I think it's good to have some sort of representation of an actual fish, to help express what we would be losing.
Swamping the logo with dead fish, I have looked at different covers of g2 and have found out that the logo doesn't always have to be in the top left. However I prefer it when the logo is in a specific place and the image works around it. I also think it needs to stand out and not be over ruled by the image.