Thursday 3 February 2011

Title sequence, type over illustration..

This was the original type I used, each statement slid in from different directions. Then the 'absolutely mad' swung and fell off. This seemed fine at first, but then after watching if with the animation, it became my least favourite part of it. I think it makes the sequence look a bit amateur - not sure why. Perhaps the plain text sliding in, quite boring really? I want the type to be quite subtle though? I want it to look good

Definitely not subtle, but instead of incorporating the text with the illustration, I have basically made it the focus for a couple of seconds. I prefer the text when it's larger, accompanied with basic movements. 


Maybe if make the text part of the image, briefly, it works? The scale increases to reveal the text, balancing on the wire, then shatters. Perhaps I could do this, but have the word shatter as it hits something?

I watched the 'catch me if you can' title sequence again, I really liked the line work that was used.. 

I quite like these, the blue line comes in then the text over it, only for a second, then they both slide out. I don't want anything to intruding, I think the illustration is too delicate to have text with it. However, I do want to have digital text in it, to make it seem a little more professional? As if it is the title sequence for a programme. 

Fading in and out?

I tried this, the opacity of the text decreases as if flows into the screen, it then hovers and fades out as it leaves the screen. I like how the text isn't fixed on the screen, because my illustration moves constantly, the text doesn't look that out of place. Although, I'm not sure if it looks a little pointless? Just floating there, not sure if it seems like it doesn't really have a purpose.

Typing out, then fading

This is quite a simple, subtle way to incorporate text. I'm not sure whether to have the '?', watching it over and over again, I think it looks a bit pointless

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