Tuesday 8 February 2011

Dvd packaging, experimenting

Outer packaging, testing it out, also messing around with different type faces. I like these, but I'm not sure if they communicate daredevil? I might just have been looking at them for too long, I'm not sure whether to have the painted sky background, or a solid colour?
 I like these solid colour ones, they don't seem as wishy washy? They attract for a different purpose, not because it seems like a nice illustration. I chose the orange colour as it compliments blue well, and the inside of the case is primarily blue. However these don't relate to my title sequence at all, the contents of the dvd inside is completely different to the case. 
A mixture of the two? A strip of painted background, balanced with the solid colour. I also like how this sort of suggests a wire shape, like the one the man in my title sequence has to walk across. 


Inside, possibility, not sure if I like the two different buildings. I might use the same one, 
Colours seem a bit odd, not sure why, I think it seems a bit too much? 

 I think the buildings look a bit dodgy, they don't really look like how I drew it in my rough sketch. 
Feedback I got also said this, the buildings look as if they are behind the disc, because the perspective of them etc... is all wrong. 
I had the idea of using content of my illustration to help produce the design for the packaging, but producing buildings in illustrator might be better.

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