Tuesday 8 February 2011

Dvd packaging, ideas

I wanted to incorporate something that relates to my title sequence with my packaging. However, I didn't want to make it really complex, I think simple dvd packages are better, also, thinking about how successful I could produce a decent packaging regarding equipment/skill etc... I wanted the packaging to look good, but also creative in some sort of way. 
My original idea was having a piece of thread stretched across the inside of the case, so as you opened it up there was an actual man on wire. In terms of practicality and how good this would look, I thought this would look a bit tacky. I did like the wire idea though, a small piece of thread is very delicate and simple, not too imposing, but also communicates my subject. 

I had looked at some existing dvd packages, a few had string tied around the package, this inspired this design. I thought about using a piece of thread as a way to wrap the dvd package very slightly. Still having the little man on the wire, the consumer can either cut the wire to get inside the package, slip it over the top, or un-tie it at the back. I also thought about including a fair amount of imagery, the image would partly be printed on the actual disc, whatever bit of illustration that overlapped onto it, would be printed. 

This was another idea I had, I prefer this one. The packaging itself (inside and out), is very basic, my painted sky as the outer packaging, with a plain, clean white inside. Researching dvd packages, there is also a simple sleeve design, with two flaps inside to hold the disc. 
I immediately visualised the flaps as two buildings, I could attach a thin piece of thread between each of these flaps, with the man walking across. 
I like the simplicity of this design, colours and amount of illustrations seemed to be kept minimum but enough to be interesting and communicate appropriately. 
Not sure whether to have the dvd with painted sky printed onto it? Or plain white, with a few birds to help represent an atmosphere of sky? 

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