Tuesday 22 March 2011

Image, boards and new brief proposal

I have decided to produce a series of prints that will be a form of promotional material for either an exhibition of poetry art, or a poetry launch. 
Deliverables -- series of prints 
                        -- series of complementing postcards

I am going to research into existing poetry, that can all relate to each other, therefore I will have some consistency in my work. I also want to try and include one of my poems.. :D

I am basing this brief on the 'Type as Image' brief, however I will also be exploring the relationship between type AND image, I want to use both, as either two parts or one, and produce creative, visually engaging work. 


Find a theme amongst types of poetry
Source appropriate texts
Contextual research, begin to design
Design development, for prints and postcards

Books I will use; 

- All Messed Up -- Anna Gerber
- Hand Job -- Michael Perry
- Poster 97 - No Author :(
- Museum of Complaint -- Miles Steidl 

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