Tuesday 22 March 2011

YCN - final presentation, questions raised, and action plan

I  found this final presentation very useful. Most of the questions raised were appropriate and did make sense, once they had been considered, I feel that our boards would be a lot more logical. Spelling was something that I am glad was looked at, it seems to be something that I found hard to spot myself, if I had missed out a letter or something, correcting it definitely would make a difference. The presentation was also beneficial because it was a fresh pair of eyes trying to understand the boards, if it didn't communicate to them then it would'nt to the YCN markers. 

I didn't think any of the issues raised were unfair, however some points were opinion based, and didn't run consistently with other opinions. I find it is hard to please everyone, so it's best to go with the majority and also which ever you prefer as well. 

Action plan,

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